The Twilight Effect

Last month I went to Spencer plaza. I went there not for shopping (as I don’t have any girlfriends), but just to see how it is built and to eat some pizzas. I ordered a plain cheese pizza (not confirm of its real name) and sat simply for its arrival. That time one of my old friend came there, she was the class topper in my school days. We talked about our school days, friends etc. then within a few minutes her cell started ringing. She took the phone and started her talks. The pizzas haven't reached me yet, so without choice I had to listen to her talks.

All she talked more than 28 minutes is about a movie called twilight, the leading character in the movie called Edward Cullen and the actor who portrayed the character. I keenly listened to their conversation. All they said is “hey Edward is so good looking, Robert pattinson is my dream boy, he’s just rocking, wow…. ”
Only after completing their conversation the pizzas came and I completed it as fast I can. Then I thought of writing about this movie in my previous blog (in that blog I suggested the readers, some good movies I heard ). Then I wrote that the movie is rocking, the performances are great..bla bla bla…(I wrote it even without seeing a single scene of the movie).

Then my friends group saw my blog and they grabbed me to the theatre to watch the movie. I thought they were inspired by my post, after watching the movie I understood that hereafter I shouldn’t write anything without proper knowledge. Because the movie was such irritating, I can’t even tolerate it for an hour. Then as a remedy to my post about Mr. Edward and the twilight movie, I wrote the truth about it in the next post.
The responses were great, four of my friends (girls) removed my name from their friends list in orkut and due to this their boyfriends too removed me from their friends list. (Note : The four boys were the people who took me to the movie). Now due to this some of their friends removed me from their friends list. Now there are no contacts in my orkut profile.

So, now I replaced my photo with Mr. Edward’s picture in my orkut profile. And I have deleted the post against Twilight, Mr. Pattinson, Mr. Edward (Mr. Pattinson plays the role of Mr. Edward in the movie, this is to the people who don’t know about the movie).
I am hoping for some new contacts after these changes (or at least my old contacts…. heeeeee…….. heeeeeeeee………)
